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Living in Jackson

Jackson has an average Walk Score of 26 with 173,514 residents.

Jackson has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Jackson ZIP codes are 39202, 39216 and 39201.

Nearby Jackson Apartments on Redfin

26 Walk Score of Jackson, MS

Jackson is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Willie Morris Library in Jackson

Willie Morris Library

Photo of Books-a-Million in Jackson


Most errands require a car in Jackson.

Jackson Apartments for Rent

Jackson Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 39202 48 - - 8,428
2 39216 48 - - 3,553
3 39201 47 - - 523
4 39203 46 - - 7,548
5 39204 29 - - 20,462
6 39206 28 - - 25,387
7 39211 24 - - 24,285
8 39212 15 - - 31,183

thumbnail for H.T. Sampson LibraryThis is the library on Jackson State University's campus. It allows for JSU's over 8,000+ students to do research, study, and relax in order to get those A's. It is home to Java City which helps the students to perk up after hours of studying while also getting a quick snack as they have baked goods and sandwiches on hand. Named after the first African American to earn a Ph.D.in Nuclear Engineering in the United States, this library stands as quite a dedication to such an accomplished inventor.

Chris Buck
on H.T. Sampson Library

18 Transit Score of Jackson, MS

Jackson has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Jackson apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Jackson has minimal public transportation and about 10 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Jackson on public transit.

33 Bike Score of Jackson, MS

Jackson is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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thumbnail for Willie Morris LibraryThis is the Willie Morris Branch Library. Named after "My Dog Skip" writer Willie Morris, this library is part of the Jackson-Hinds Library System. It's unique because it was named in honor of Jackson's own Willie Morris.

Chris Buck
on Willie Morris Library

thumbnail for Books-a-MillionBooks-A-Million with Joe Muggs Coffee inside. Books-A-Million offers the comfort of peaceful reading while also selling vintage video games, the Nook reader collection, magazines, electronics and accessories, and a wide array books. Joe Muggs coffee, while not as renowned as Starbucks, offers a great selection of java for it's customers as well as baked goods. It's the perfect place to enjoy a cup of "Joe" and a good book.

Chris Buck
on Books-a-Million

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college school learn money tired eat song god drink walking playing jsu job sleep movie test party ion jackson state university class

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