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Living in Myers Park Charlotte

Myers Park is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Charlotte with 10,970 residents.

Myers Park has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Eastover, Freedom Park, Wendover - Sedgewood, Barclay Downs, Cherry, Ashbrook - Clawson Village and Grier Heights.

Nearby Myers Park Apartments on Redfin

43 Walk Score of Myers Park, Charlotte, NC

Myers Park is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Photo of Myers Park in Myers Park, Charlotte

Myers Park

Photo of Myers Park United Methodist Church in Myers Park, Charlotte

Myers Park United Methodist Church

Most errands require a car in Myers Park Charlotte.

Myers Park is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Charlotte with a Walk Score of 43.

Find apartments in Charlotte's most walkable neighborhoods: Fourth Ward, First Ward and Second Ward.

Myers Park Charlotte Apartments for Rent

Myers Park Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Myers Park to other Charlotte neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


36 Lincoln Heights 45 42 33 2,268
37 University City South 43 36 53 4,249
38 Myers Park 43 31 46 10,970
39 Grier Heights 43 38 33 2,523
40 Closeburn - Glenkirk 43 38 42 3,998

Moving to Charlotte from another city?

thumbnail for Myers Park Tree Lined Street#MyersPark is filled with beautiful homes with incredible character located on tree lined streets such as this one.

Mary DeGeorge
on Myers Park Tree Lined Street

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Myers Park Charlotte? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Myers Park in Myers Park, Charlotte

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Myers Park

Photo of Discovery Place Nature in Myers Park, Charlotte

Discovery Place Nature

46 Bike Score of Myers Park, Charlotte, NC

Myers Park is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Myers Park in Myers Park, Charlotte

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Myers Park

Photo of Discovery Place Nature in Myers Park, Charlotte

Discovery Place Nature

thumbnail for Hugh McManaway StatueThere is a golden statue located at this intersection in #MyersPark immortalizing Hugh McManaway. He directed traffic at this intersection in his famous yellow raincoat.

Mary DeGeorge
on Hugh McManaway Statue

thumbnail for Duke Mansion TheEnjoy a restful overnight in one of the individually decorated 20 guest rooms. Forget that you are just 2 miles from center city and delight in the serenity of our 4 1/2 acres of gardens and grounds. Stroll to a local shop or restaurant through #MyersPark - one of Charlottes most historic neighborhoods. Or just curl up on one of our screened in porches with a book and a glass of tea.

Mary DeGeorge
on Duke Mansion The

thumbnail for Myers Park United Methodist ChurchFrom our first Sunday in 1925, when the opening hymn was All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, Myers Park United Methodist Church has remained of one accord and one mission, that being to praise and serve God. Myers Park United Methodist Church stands at the corner of Queens and Providence roads in the #MyersPark neighborhood in the heart of Charlotte.

Mary DeGeorge
on Myers Park United Methodist Church

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