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Living in Wilmington

Wilmington has an average Walk Score of 35 with 106,476 residents.

Wilmington has minimal public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Wilmington neighborhoods are Downtown, Carolina Heights and College Park.

Nearby Wilmington Apartments on Redfin

35 Walk Score of Wilmington, NC

Wilmington is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Zoes Kitchen in Wilmington

Zoes Kitchen

Photo of 405 S 21st St in Wilmington

405 S 21st St

Most errands require a car in Wilmington.

Wilmington Apartments for Rent

Wilmington Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 82 31 86 1,125
2 Carolina Heights 61 27 67 3,581
3 College Park 52 28 54 2,619
4 Mayfaire 44 17 65 881
5 Sunset Park 43 21 51 3,246
6 Glen Meade 42 26 47 823
7 Lincoln Forest 41 25 43 1,822
8 Long Leaf Hills 41 21 38 625
9 Pine Valley West 28 19 46 3,054
10 University of North Carolina at Wilmington 25 20 73 4,534
11 Windemere 25 15 60 2,640
12 College Acres 25 20 56 5,174
13 Creekwood 25 17 38 2,028
14 Pine Valley East 17 10 41 7,307
15 Carriage Hills 10 16 36 675
16 Landfall 8 5 31 3,029
17 Echo Farms 6 15 30 1,040
20 Transit Score of Wilmington, NC

Wilmington has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Wilmington apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Wilmington has minimal public transportation and about 10 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Wilmington on public transit.

51 Bike Score of Wilmington, NC

Wilmington is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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