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Living in Journal Square Jersey City

Journal Square is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Jersey City with 20,641 residents.

Journal Square has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: McGinley Square, Historic Downtown, The Heights, Bergen - Lafayette, West Side, The Waterfront and Liberty State Park.

Nearby Journal Square Apartments on Redfin

95 Walk Score of Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ

Journal Square is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Stanley Theater in Journal Square, Jersey City

Stanley Theater

Photo of Paratha Junction in Journal Square, Jersey City

Paratha Junction

Daily errands do not require a car in Journal Square Jersey City.

Journal Square is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Jersey City with a Walk Score of 95.

Find apartments in Jersey City's most walkable neighborhoods: Historic Downtown, Journal Square and McGinley Square.

Journal Square Jersey City Apartments for Rent

Journal Square Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Journal Square to other Jersey City neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Historic Downtown 96 80 76 21,774
2 Journal Square 95 77 53 20,641
3 McGinley Square 93 70 65 15,717
4 The Heights 91 69 65 53,514

thumbnail for The Jersey JournalThis is where all the news of jersey city comes from, get the latest Jersey City news and community updates, view photos and videos from this building!

Kashyap Joshi
on The Jersey Journal

77 Transit Score of Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ

Journal Square has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Journal Square Jersey City apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Journal Square has excellent public transportation and about 16 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Journal Square on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Journal Square Jersey City? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Pavonia Optical in Journal Square, Jersey City

Pavonia Optical

Photo of St. John the Baptist Catholic Roman Church in Journal Square, Jersey City

St. John the Baptist Catholic Roman Church

Photo of Journal Square in Journal Square, Jersey City

Journal Square

53 Bike Score of Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ

Journal Square is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Pavonia Optical in Journal Square, Jersey City

Pavonia Optical

Photo of St. John the Baptist Catholic Roman Church in Journal Square, Jersey City

St. John the Baptist Catholic Roman Church

Photo of Journal Square in Journal Square, Jersey City

Journal Square

Photo of Journal Square in Journal Square, Jersey City

Journal Square

Photo of Sevaggio Statue in Journal Square, Jersey City

Sevaggio Statue

Photo of The Jersey Journal in Journal Square, Jersey City

The Jersey Journal

thumbnail for Boulevard DrinksSmall, divey, delicious. This is right next to the Loew's Theater. There isn't too much to say really, it's hot dogs. They are awesome, the kraut, the chili cheese, really any way you go you won't be disappointed. You've got 3-4 people behind the counter, it's quick and simple.

Kashyap Joshi
on Boulevard Drinks

thumbnail for Jackie Robinson StatueThis statue of Jackie Robinson, sculpted by Susan Wagner, was dedicated on February 26, 1998 in Journal Square. Its a beautiful statue!

Kashyap Joshi
on Jackie Robinson Statue

Photo of Reema Jewelers in Journal Square, Jersey City

Reema Jewelers

Photo of Rasoi in Journal Square, Jersey City


thumbnail for Stanley TheaterThe theater opened to the public on March 24, 1928. Mayor Frank Hague attended the ceremonies that evening and, with the audience, was greeted on the screen by actress Norma Talmadge. An orchestral performance, a stage show called "Sky Blues," a newsreel, and a musical piece on the Wurlitzer organ, preceded the showing of The Dove starring Talmadge and Gilbert Roland.

Kashyap Joshi
on Stanley Theater

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