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East Massapequa has an average Walk Score of 51 with 19,069 residents.
East Massapequa has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.
Some errands can be accomplished on foot.
East Massapequa has an average Walk Score of 51 with 19,069 residents.
East Massapequa has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.
Search for apartments in East Massapequa or check out apartments in other East Massapequa neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
A few nearby public transportation options. Find East Massapequa apartments for rent on Redfin.
East Massapequa has some public transportation and about 7 bus lines.
The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from East Massapequa on public transit.
Minimal bike infrastructure.
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