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Living in West Harlem Manhattan

West Harlem is the 18th most walkable neighborhood in Manhattan with 107,403 residents.

West Harlem has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Roosevelt Island, Theater District, Hell's Kitchen, Koreatown and NoMad.

Nearby West Harlem Apartments on Redfin

97 Walk Score of West Harlem, Manhattan, NY

West Harlem is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Daily errands do not require a car in West Harlem Manhattan.

West Harlem is the 18th most walkable neighborhood in Manhattan with a Walk Score of 97.

Find apartments in Manhattan's most walkable neighborhoods: Bowery, NoLita and Little Italy.

West Harlem Manhattan Apartments for Rent

West Harlem Neighborhood Ranking

Compare West Harlem to other Manhattan neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


16 Upper West Side 98 100 - 208,776
17 Battery Park City 97 100 - 12,258
18 West Harlem 97 100 - 107,403
19 Lower East Side 96 98 - 38,641
20 Roosevelt Island 79 98 - 11,608
73 Bike Score of West Harlem, Manhattan, NY

West Harlem is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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