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Living in Bronx Park New York

Bronx Park is the 147th most walkable neighborhood in New York with 1,581 residents.

Bronx Park has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Belmont, Pelham Parkway, Van Nest, West Farms, Allerton, Bedford Park and Norwood.

Nearby Bronx Park Apartments on Redfin

79 Walk Score of Bronx Park, New York, NY

Bronx Park is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Bronx Park New York.

Bronx Park is the 147th most walkable neighborhood in New York with a Walk Score of 79.

Find apartments in New York's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita and Bowery.

Bronx Park New York Apartments for Rent

Bronx Park Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Bronx Park to other New York neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


145 Tompkinsville 80 72 38 8,383
146 Baychester 80 81 53 14,525
147 Bronx Park 79 95 74 1,581
148 Roosevelt Island 79 98 77 11,608
149 Clearview 78 52 57 8,031

Moving to New York from another city?

74 Bike Score of Bronx Park, New York, NY

Bronx Park is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of New York Botanical Garden in Bronx Park, New York

New York Botanical Garden

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

Photo of Bronx Park in Bronx Park, New York

Bronx Park

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