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Living in Concourse Village New York

Concourse Village is the 64th most walkable neighborhood in New York with 29,727 residents.

Concourse Village has world-class public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Concourse, Highbridge, South Bronx, Woodstock, Mount Eden, Morrisania and Central Harlem.

Nearby Concourse Village Apartments on Redfin

94 Walk Score of Concourse Village, New York, NY

Concourse Village is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Daily errands do not require a car in Concourse Village New York.

Concourse Village is the 64th most walkable neighborhood in New York with a Walk Score of 94.

Find apartments in New York's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita and Bowery.

Concourse Village New York Apartments for Rent

Concourse Village Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Concourse Village to other New York neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


62 Rego Park 94 98 66 60,946
63 Concourse 94 100 69 54,406
64 Concourse Village 94 100 66 29,727
65 Astoria 94 86 75 153,924
66 Foxhurst 94 100 77 19,644

Moving to New York from another city?

thumbnail for Bronx Supreme Criminal CourtCompleted in 1914, the Bronx Borough Courthouse on 161st Street and Third Avenue in the #SouthBronx has served as home to the borough government and a courthouse. The Beaux Arts-style building features a granite exterior, marble interiors, and a statue of Justice above the south entrance. The building was abandoned in 1978, but later designated as a historic landmark by the city. It has been refurbished and was home to various community groups, but today it sits empty.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Bronx Supreme Criminal Court

100 Transit Score of Concourse Village, New York, NY

Concourse Village is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Concourse Village New York apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Concourse Village has world-class public transportation and about 7 bus, 2 rail and 3 subway lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Concourse Village on public transit.

66 Bike Score of Concourse Village, New York, NY

Concourse Village is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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thumbnail for Shopping in the South BronxWalking through the #SouthBronx in New York City, you can find a wealth of old architecture, mom and pop shops and local eateries along the Grand Concourse which stretches through most of the Bronx.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Shopping in the South Bronx

thumbnail for NYC Steet Art in the BronxLocated near the Grand Concourse train tracks in the #SouthBronx, you can find a wealth of street art and fantastic murals painted by local street artists. This is just one example of the fantastic artistic talent all over New York.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on NYC Steet Art in the Bronx

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