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Living in Lakewood

Lakewood has an average Walk Score of 70 with 52,131 residents.

Lakewood has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby Lakewood Apartments on Redfin

70 Walk Score of Lakewood, OH

Lakewood is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Dinerbar on Clifton in Lakewood

Dinerbar on Clifton

Photo of Breadsmith of Lakewood in Lakewood

Breadsmith of Lakewood

Lakewood has an average Walk Score of 70 with 52,131 residents.

Lakewood has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Lakewood Apartments for Rent

Lakewood Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 44107 70 - - 51,554

thumbnail for Beck Center For the Arts"A Night at the Opera" by Natasha Turovsky

Shawn Juris
on Beck Center For the Arts

41 Transit Score of Lakewood, OH

Lakewood has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Lakewood apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Lakewood has some public transportation and about 5 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Lakewood on public transit.

64 Bike Score of Lakewood, OH

Lakewood is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of DETROIT AV & WARREN RD in Lakewood


Photo of Beck Center For the Arts in Lakewood

Beck Center For the Arts

Photo of Metropolitan Home Design And Real Estate Staging in Lakewood

Metropolitan Home Design And Real Estate Staging

Photo of That's Nuts in Lakewood

That's Nuts

Photo of Winking Lizard Tavern in Lakewood

Winking Lizard Tavern

Photo of Holistic Lakewood in Lakewood

Holistic Lakewood

thumbnail for Dinerbar on CliftonA local favorite. Try their omelets served with hash browns. Trust me you won't go hungry! My favorite is their sweet potato fries, scrumptious

Barb White
on Dinerbar on Clifton

Photo of Campbell's Sweets Factory in Lakewood

Campbell's Sweets Factory

Photo of Marrell Musical Instrument Repair in Lakewood

Marrell Musical Instrument Repair

Photo of Angelo's Pizza in Lakewood

Angelo's Pizza

Photo of John's Diner in Lakewood

John's Diner

Lakewood is Talking About...

browns play run school song food god dog park job walk beer sleep party cleveland movie drinking team eat car

Lakewood is all about:

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