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Living in Lakeview Oklahoma City

Lakeview is the 74th most walkable neighborhood in Oklahoma City with 1,059 residents.

Lakeview has minimal public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Rollingwood, Springdale, Edgewater-Lakepointe, Woodlake, Knights Lake, Lansbrook and Britton Court Yard.

Nearby Lakeview Apartments on Redfin

48 Walk Score of Lakeview, Oklahoma City, OK

Lakeview is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Most errands require a car in Lakeview Oklahoma City.

Lakeview is the 74th most walkable neighborhood in Oklahoma City with a Walk Score of 48.

Find apartments in Oklahoma City's most walkable neighborhoods: Paseo, Corridor South and Mesta Park.

Lakeview Oklahoma City Apartments for Rent

Lakeview Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Lakeview to other Oklahoma City neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


72 Creston Hills South 48 30 66 958
73 Parmelee 48 29 41 2,761
74 Lakeview 48 24 54 1,059
75 Windsor Hills 48 23 44 1,611
76 Camelot Estates 48 25 41 651

Moving to Oklahoma City from another city?

thumbnail for Lakeview AdditionQuiet streets that offer peaceful evening strolls....and neighbors that still wave and say Good Morning!

Jimmy Barber
on Lakeview Addition

54 Bike Score of Lakeview, Oklahoma City, OK

Lakeview is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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