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Living in Brooklyn Portland

Brooklyn is the 24th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with 3,488 residents.

Brooklyn has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Hosford-Abernethy, South Portland, Sellwood-Moreland, Reed, Buckman, Eastmoreland and Homestead.

Nearby Brooklyn Apartments on Redfin

82 Walk Score of Brooklyn, Portland, OR

Brooklyn is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Classic Pianos in Brooklyn, Portland

Classic Pianos

Photo of Bear Paw Inn in Brooklyn, Portland

Bear Paw Inn

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Brooklyn Portland.

Brooklyn is the 24th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with a Walk Score of 82.

Find apartments in Portland's most walkable neighborhoods: Pearl, Old Town Chinatown and Downtown.

Brooklyn Portland Apartments for Rent

Brooklyn Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Brooklyn to other Portland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


22 Sabin 83 49 97 4,150
23 Laurelhurst 82 64 94 4,657
24 Brooklyn 82 56 95 3,488
25 Sellwood-Moreland 81 42 96 11,597
26 Creston-Kenilworth 81 51 96 8,220

Moving to Portland from another city?

thumbnail for Classic PianosThis place has the most incredible pianos I have ever seen. They offer new and used pianos. They also offer piano restoration and servicing as well. If you love music check this place out.

Jake Johnson
on Classic Pianos

56 Transit Score of Brooklyn, Portland, OR

Brooklyn has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Brooklyn Portland apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Brooklyn has good public transportation and about 4 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Brooklyn on public transit.

95 Bike Score of Brooklyn, Portland, OR

Brooklyn is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Welcome To Brooklyn Neighborhood in Brooklyn, Portland

Welcome To Brooklyn Neighborhood

Photo of Sanborn's in Brooklyn, Portland


Photo of Armchair Family Bookstore in Brooklyn, Portland

Armchair Family Bookstore

Photo of Aladdin Theater in Brooklyn, Portland

Aladdin Theater

Photo of Brooklyn Street Art in Brooklyn, Portland

Brooklyn Street Art

Photo of The Lamp in Brooklyn, Portland

The Lamp

thumbnail for Bear Paw InnThe bear paw inn is one of my favorites in the neighborhood. The crowd is awesome and super friendly. There is always some kind of drink special that will have you calling a cab when your ready to go home ;)

Jake Johnson
on Bear Paw Inn

thumbnail for Welcome To Brooklyn NeighborhoodThis iconic neighborhood is filled with public art pieces. This one has been here longer than I remember and still one of my favorites.

Jake Johnson
on Welcome To Brooklyn Neighborhood

thumbnail for The Berlin InnThe Berlin inn is a great little hidden German restaurant just off of Powell blvd. If you love authentic German food this is a great place to try out. It is also connected to a German market.

Jake Johnson
on The Berlin Inn

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