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Living in Tigard

Tigard has an average Walk Score of 43 with 48,035 residents.

Tigard has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Tigard neighborhoods are Tigard Neighborhood Area 6, Tigard Neighborhood Area 2 and Tigard Neighborhood Area 3.

Nearby Tigard Apartments on Redfin

43 Walk Score of Tigard, OR

Tigard is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Bonita City Park in Tigard

Bonita City Park

Photo of Bonita City Park in Tigard

Bonita City Park

Most errands require a car in Tigard.

Tigard Apartments for Rent

Tigard Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Tigard Neighborhood Area 6 63 43 79 3,243
2 Tigard Neighborhood Area 2 63 28 67 3,149
3 Tigard Neighborhood Area 3 55 42 73 5,823
4 Tigard Neighborhood Area 1 48 22 60 4,287
5 Tigard Neighborhood Area 4 48 39 72 8,030
6 Tigard Neighborhood Area 8 44 29 66 6,766
7 Tigard Neighborhood Area 5 42 38 63 947
8 Tigard Neighborhood Area 10 37 27 56 3,845
9 Tigard Neighborhood Area 12 34 24 41 3,408
10 Tigard Neighborhood Area 7 32 33 67 4,749
11 Tigard Neighborhood Area 11 31 21 54 2,534
12 Tigard Neighborhood Area 9 30 28 59 3,778
13 Tigard Neighborhood Area 13 19 7 37 3,044
30 Transit Score of Tigard, OR

Tigard has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Tigard apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Tigard has some public transportation and about 13 bus and 1 rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Tigard on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Tigard? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Stan Houseman

Realtor about Portland Metro area. 3rd generation real estate professional. Our family tradition: Opening Doors for Home Owners". May I have the privilege to sale your home and/or find you your dream home.

Ask Stan about Tigard

http://www.HousemanHeritage.com »

Photo of Bonita City Park in Tigard

Bonita City Park

Photo of Bonita City Park in Tigard

Bonita City Park

Photo of WinCo Foods in Tigard

WinCo Foods

62 Bike Score of Tigard, OR

Tigard is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of WinCo Foods in Tigard

WinCo Foods

Photo of Woodard City Park in Tigard

Woodard City Park

Photo of Woodard City Park in Tigard

Woodard City Park

Photo of Petco in Tigard


Photo of Fanno Creek City Park in Tigard

Fanno Creek City Park

Photo of Fanno Creek City Park in Tigard

Fanno Creek City Park

Photo of Fanno Creek City Park in Tigard

Fanno Creek City Park

Photo of Cost Plus World Market in Tigard

Cost Plus World Market

Photo of Big 5 Sporting Goods - Tigard in Tigard

Big 5 Sporting Goods - Tigard

Photo of Peet's Coffee and Tea in Tigard

Peet's Coffee and Tea

Tigard is Talking About...

play money shopping school god song food movie drink run coffee oregon walk job sleep washington square car party portland eat

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