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Living in Fairhill Philadelphia

Fairhill is the 49th most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with 26,097 residents.

Fairhill has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Hunting Park, Kensington, North Philadelphia East, Juniata Park - Feltonville, Tioga - Nicetown, Avenue of the Arts North and Northern Liberties - Fishtown.

Nearby Apartments

74 Walk Score of Fairhill, Philadelphia, PA

Fairhill is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Varona Beer Distribution in Fairhill, Philadelphia

Varona Beer Distribution

Photo of Templo Arca De Salvación in Fairhill, Philadelphia

Templo Arca De Salvación

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Fairhill Philadelphia.

Fairhill is the 49th most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with a Walk Score of 74.

Find apartments in Philadelphia's most walkable neighborhoods: Rittenhouse Square, Avenue of the Arts South and Washington Square West.

Fairhill Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Fairhill to other Philadelphia neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


47 West Oak Lane 74 60 61 20,166
48 Lawncrest 74 58 65 38,335
49 Fairhill 74 69 61 26,097
50 Elmwood 73 72 66 20,252
51 North Philadelphia West 73 70 69 51,516

Moving to Philadelphia from another city?

thumbnail for Professional Dry CleanersThere is nothing like letting a professional do your cleaning. This spot has been in the community for over 20 yrs. they know what they are doing.

Nex Millen
on Professional Dry Cleaners

61 Bike Score of Fairhill, Philadelphia, PA

Fairhill is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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thumbnail for CPMAP MuralThe Mural Arts Program is everywhere. You just have to keep your eyes peeled. Extraordinary Art by extraordinary people.

Nex Millen
on CPMAP Mural

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