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Living in Point Breeze Philadelphia

Point Breeze is the 19th most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with 23,703 residents.

Point Breeze has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Graduate Hospital, Fitler Square, Rittenhouse Square, Bella Vista - Southwark, Center City West, Grays Ferry and Avenue of the Arts South.

Nearby Point Breeze Apartments on Redfin

89 Walk Score of Point Breeze, Philadelphia, PA

Point Breeze is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Moe's Hotdog House in Point Breeze, Philadelphia

Moe's Hotdog House

Photo of Moe's Hotdog House in Point Breeze, Philadelphia

Moe's Hotdog House

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Point Breeze Philadelphia.

Point Breeze is the 19th most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with a Walk Score of 89.

Find apartments in Philadelphia's most walkable neighborhoods: Rittenhouse Square, Avenue of the Arts South and Washington Square West.

Point Breeze Philadelphia Apartments for Rent

Point Breeze Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Point Breeze to other Philadelphia neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


17 Fairmount - Art Museum 91 78 89 23,767
18 University City 90 95 92 14,345
19 Point Breeze 89 74 82 23,703
20 Powelton Village 88 94 96 5,620
21 West Powelton 88 90 97 3,733

Moving to Philadelphia from another city?

thumbnail for Moe's Hotdog HouseVoted best hot dog place in Philly!! They serve both breakfast and lunch all day everyday except Sunday, when they are closed.

Zahkiyah Allen
on Moe's Hotdog House

82 Bike Score of Point Breeze, Philadelphia, PA

Point Breeze is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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thumbnail for Moe's Hotdog HouseAs you can read, Moe's have more than just Hot Dogs. He also has a 57" Chevy and a 69" Lincoln Continental. Some of my favorite cars. Plus he opens early and the food is good.

Nex Millen
on Moe's Hotdog House

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