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Living in Columbia

Columbia has an average Walk Score of 35 with 129,272 residents.

Columbia has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Columbia neighborhoods are University Hills, Martin Luther King and Shandon.

Nearby Columbia Apartments on Redfin

35 Walk Score of Columbia, SC

Columbia is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of The Fountain at Five Points in Columbia

The Fountain at Five Points

Photo of University of South Carolina :McKissick Museum in Columbia

University of South Carolina :McKissick Museum

Most errands require a car in Columbia.

Columbia Apartments for Rent

Columbia Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 University Hills 84 - 48 2,514
2 Martin Luther King 81 - 50 1,135
3 Shandon 75 - 63 4,498
4 Sherwood Forest 74 - 53 602
5 Historic Waverly 72 - 50 706
6 Wales Garden 68 - 49 915
7 University of South Carolina 66 - 50 5,702
8 Central Rosewood 60 - 48 1,881
9 Eva P. Trezevant 59 - 51 510
10 Lyon Street 58 - 43 1,340
11 Elmwood Park 53 - 47 1,095
12 Hollywood - Rosehill 53 - 53 1,360
13 Druid Hills 52 - 39 655
14 Edgewood 51 - 47 543
15 Melrose Heights 49 - 52 1,459
16 Forest Hills 48 - 39 706
17 Cottontow - Bellevue 47 - 51 556
18 The Congaree Vista 47 - 39 1,506
19 Windemere Springs 46 - 35 523
20 Seminary Ridge 45 - 38 580
21 Pinehurst 44 - 44 1,416
22 Rochelle Heights - Victory Garden 44 - 36 503
23 Fairwold Acres 43 - 37 536
24 Heathwood West 43 - 46 583
25 Belmont 42 - 35 1,813
26 College Place 41 - 36 1,697
27 South Kilbourne 40 - 44 3,469
28 Midland Terrace 40 - 42 764
29 Booker Washington Heights 35 - 38 973
30 North College Place 35 - 36 619
31 Colonial Park 35 - 34 2,084
32 Bradley 32 - 25 1,423
33 Gregg Park 29 - 31 557
34 Meadowfield 28 - 36 1,206
35 East Lake 27 - 33 749
36 Earlewood 27 - 27 2,198
37 Belvedere 26 - 31 1,317
38 Hyatt Park 25 - 21 3,438
39 North Columbia 19 - 27 2,550
40 St. Marks Wood 16 - 23 585
41 Skyland 13 - 21 971
42 Bethel-Bishop-Chappell 13 - 32 562
43 Hampton's Grant 2 - 23 1,019
0 Transit Score of Columbia, SC

Columbia has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Columbia apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Columbia has minimal public transportation and about 31 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Columbia on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Columbia? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Sherry Chesnutt

I have made Columbia my home for more than 30 years. I love living here and enjoy all the amenities Columbia has to offer. If you do need a break, you’ll find both the beach and the mountains are short drives away. As you know, Buying or Selling a home is one of the biggest transactions you will ever make and I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition. I am dedicated to making this process easy for you. 803-261-2946

Ask Sherry about Columbia

http://www.sherrysellshouses.com »

Photo of The Fountain at Five Points in Columbia

The Fountain at Five Points

Photo of University of South Carolina :McKissick Museum in Columbia

University of South Carolina :McKissick Museum

Photo of Yesterday's Restaurant in Columbia

Yesterday's Restaurant

35 Bike Score of Columbia, SC

Columbia is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Panera Bread in Columbia

Panera Bread

Photo of Woodland Park in Columbia

Woodland Park

Photo of Brennen School in Columbia

Brennen School

Photo of Cantina 76 on Main in Columbia

Cantina 76 on Main

Photo of Kilbourne Park Baptist Church in Columbia

Kilbourne Park Baptist Church

Photo of Bethel United Methodist Church in Columbia

Bethel United Methodist Church

Photo of Starbucks in Columbia


Photo of Hand Middle School in Columbia

Hand Middle School

Photo of Sumter Street Theater in Columbia

Sumter Street Theater

Photo of The USC Horseshoe in Columbia

The USC Horseshoe

Columbia is Talking About...

party play cut music college song food money drink school hungry eat bruh job sleep god movie dream class car

Columbia is all about:

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Photo of Darla Moore School Of Business in Columbia

Darla Moore School Of Business

Photo of Rosewood Market & Deli in Columbia

Rosewood Market & Deli

Photo of Dreher High School in Columbia

Dreher High School

Photo of Hampton Hill Athletic Club in Columbia

Hampton Hill Athletic Club

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