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Living in Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls has an average Walk Score of 38 with 153,888 residents.

Sioux Falls has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Sioux Falls neighborhoods are Downtown, Beadie Greenway and All Saints.

Nearby Sioux Falls Apartments on Redfin

38 Walk Score of Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls

Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls

Photo of Old Courthouse Museum in Sioux Falls

Old Courthouse Museum

Most errands require a car in Sioux Falls.

Sioux Falls Apartments for Rent

Sioux Falls Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 77 35 77 980
2 Beadie Greenway 76 34 80 1,031
3 All Saints 74 33 67 2,977
4 Folsom 74 33 61 1,819
5 Axtell Park 68 31 54 2,406
6 Augustana 67 27 64 6,135
7 Whittier 65 27 52 3,170
8 Emerson 63 26 47 2,108
9 North End West 58 26 51 2,889
10 North End East 52 25 54 815
11 Froehlich 30 17 36 755
12 Norton Tracks 11 15 20 910

thumbnail for Sculpture Walk Sioux FallsThis walk is a "must see"

Tim Markhardt
on Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls

17 Transit Score of Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Sioux Falls apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Sioux Falls has minimal public transportation and about 11 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Sioux Falls on public transit.

46 Bike Score of Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Big Sioux River Greenway in Sioux Falls

Big Sioux River Greenway

Photo of Phillips Avenue Diner in Sioux Falls

Phillips Avenue Diner

Photo of Falls Park in Sioux Falls

Falls Park

Photo of Falls Park in Sioux Falls

Falls Park

Photo of Wiley's Tavern in Sioux Falls

Wiley's Tavern

Photo of Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls

Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls

Photo of Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls

Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls

Photo of JL Beers in Sioux Falls

JL Beers

Photo of Wells Fargo Cinedome Theater in Sioux Falls

Wells Fargo Cinedome Theater

Photo of Downtown Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls

Downtown Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls is Talking About...

play my life run coffee song read movie drink school walk beer job south dakota sleep food god party dream eat car

Sioux Falls is all about:

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Photo of Dewitt Designs in Sioux Falls

Dewitt Designs

Photo of 8th & Railroad Center in Sioux Falls

8th & Railroad Center

Photo of Big Sioux River Greenway in Sioux Falls

Big Sioux River Greenway

Photo of Minervas Restaurant - Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls

Minervas Restaurant - Sioux Falls

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