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Living in New Pathways Memphis

New Pathways is the 8th most walkable neighborhood in Memphis with 6,279 residents.

New Pathways has some public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Victorian Village, College Park Neighborhood Watch, Winchester Park, Washington Heights, Barry F. Homes, Annesdale Park and Annesdale-Snowden.

Nearby New Pathways Apartments on Redfin

66 Walk Score of New Pathways, Memphis, TN

New Pathways is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of AutoZone Park in New Pathways, Memphis

AutoZone Park

Photo of 1245 Madison Avenue in New Pathways, Memphis

1245 Madison Avenue

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in New Pathways Memphis.

New Pathways is the 8th most walkable neighborhood in Memphis with a Walk Score of 66.

Find apartments in Memphis's most walkable neighborhoods: East Midtown, Idlewild-East End Historic and Barry F. Homes.

New Pathways Memphis Apartments for Rent

New Pathways Neighborhood Ranking

Compare New Pathways to other Memphis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


6 Cooper Young 73 35 70 3,494
7 Evergreen Historic District 68 35 79 4,282
8 New Pathways 66 42 74 6,279
9 Victorian Village 66 46 75 522
10 East Parkway 65 34 52 1,016

Moving to Memphis from another city?

thumbnail for Beale StreetWalk down this historic and iconic destination of downtown Memphis known as Beale Street. It is the home of the blues. It has seen the likes of B B King, Bobby Blue Bland, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis among many others. Experience the music, dancing and food known to draw many from all over.

Tim Allyn Goodroe
on Beale Street

42 Transit Score of New Pathways, Memphis, TN

New Pathways has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find New Pathways Memphis apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

New Pathways has some public transportation and about 6 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from New Pathways on public transit.

74 Bike Score of New Pathways, Memphis, TN

New Pathways is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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thumbnail for FedExForumThe FedEx Forum is home to the Successful Memphis Grizzlies NBA Basketball Team. It not only hosts basketball games but circuses and concerts as well.

Tim Allyn Goodroe
on FedExForum

thumbnail for Methodist University HospitalMethodist University Hospital is a full service hospital and teaching facility located in Midtown on Union Avenue.

Tim Allyn Goodroe
on Methodist University Hospital

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