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Living in Sugar Valley Nashville

Sugar Valley is the 82nd most walkable neighborhood in Nashville with 1,010 residents.

Sugar Valley does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Lenox Village, Bradford Hills, Colemont, Antioch Park, Villages of Brentwood, McMurray and Whispering Hills.

Nearby Sugar Valley Apartments on Redfin

12 Walk Score of Sugar Valley, Nashville, TN

Sugar Valley is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Almost all errands require a car.

Almost all errands require a car in Sugar Valley Nashville.

Sugar Valley is the 82nd most walkable neighborhood in Nashville with a Walk Score of 12.

Find apartments in Nashville's most walkable neighborhoods: East End, Watkins Park and Hope Gardens.

Sugar Valley Nashville Apartments for Rent

Sugar Valley Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Sugar Valley to other Nashville neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


80 Maplewood Heights 12 32 23 827
81 Dickerson Road 12 5 15 1,733
82 Sugar Valley 12 - 11 1,010
83 Hickory Bend 12 3 12 673
84 Antioch Park 12 - 18 1,040

Moving to Nashville from another city?

11 Bike Score of Sugar Valley, Nashville, TN

Sugar Valley is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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