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Living in Sunset Heights El Paso

Sunset Heights is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in El Paso with 3,053 residents.

Sunset Heights has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Union Plaza, El Paso High, Rim - University, Chihuahuita, Virginia, Kern Place and Magoffin.

Nearby Sunset Heights Apartments on Redfin

78 Walk Score of Sunset Heights, El Paso, TX

Sunset Heights is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map


Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Sunset Heights El Paso.

Sunset Heights is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in El Paso with a Walk Score of 78.

Find apartments in El Paso's most walkable neighborhoods: Union Plaza, Chihuahuita and Virginia.

Sunset Heights El Paso Apartments for Rent

Sunset Heights Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Sunset Heights to other El Paso neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


5 South Central 80 51 67 4,656
6 El Paso High 79 49 48 5,002
7 Sunset Heights 78 49 52 3,053
8 Five Points East 77 45 55 2,126
9 Five Points West 70 47 53 1,111

Moving to El Paso from another city?

thumbnail for # Sunset HeightsMundy Park and the Sunset Heights Lovers congregating for our neighborhood clean up

Alfredo Jauregui
on # Sunset Heights

52 Bike Score of Sunset Heights, El Paso, TX

Sunset Heights is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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thumbnail for #Sunset HeightsThis neighborhood institution served as a preparatory school and busiĀ­ness college catering the large influx of upper- and middle-class Mexican refugees into EI Paso. It was established by staunch anti-Villista Servando Esquivel in 1914.

Alfredo Jauregui
on #Sunset Heights

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