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Living in Lubbock

Lubbock has an average Walk Score of 39 with 229,573 residents.

Lubbock has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Lubbock neighborhoods are Maedgen Area, South Overton and North Overton.

Nearby Lubbock Apartments on Redfin

39 Walk Score of Lubbock, TX

Lubbock is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map


Most errands require a car in Lubbock.

Lubbock Apartments for Rent

Lubbock Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Maedgen Area 64 22 51 4,779
2 South Overton 63 43 66 2,172
3 North Overton 62 48 68 4,047
4 Slaton-Bean 61 29 44 3,255
5 Downtown 60 39 46 1,457
6 Clapp Park 59 26 45 4,477
7 Waters 58 20 49 2,702
8 Ballenger 57 25 42 2,603
9 Maxey Park 57 28 50 3,156
10 Stubbs-Stewart 56 22 45 5,427
11 Heart of Lubbock 56 31 60 4,858
12 Wheelock and Monterey 53 27 49 5,472
13 Coronado Area 51 21 50 2,978
14 Tech Terrace- U.N.I.T. 51 35 70 4,341
15 Harwell 50 22 37 1,686
16 Regal Park 48 - 40 1,493
17 Wester 46 26 41 4,135
18 Jackson-Mahon 46 35 55 2,780
19 Caprock 45 23 40 5,616
20 Raintree 43 8 40 2,403
21 Arnett Benson 39 35 51 9,058
22 Preston Smith 39 5 37 5,645
23 Bowie 37 25 41 6,078
24 Bayless Atkins 35 21 38 7,855
25 University Pines 35 7 37 4,359
26 West End 33 20 35 4,093
27 Northridge 31 25 44 5,387
28 Parkway and Cherry Point 29 24 37 6,807
29 Chatman Hill 28 23 32 1,085
30 Guadalupe 28 25 45 695
31 Dunbar-Manhattan Heights 20 22 30 1,695
32 North by Northwest 18 20 32 8,646
33 Southgate 14 2 29 1,527
34 Windmill 12 21 29 699
35 Chapel Hill 1 4 25 654
21 Transit Score of Lubbock, TX

Lubbock has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Lubbock apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Lubbock has minimal public transportation and about 17 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Lubbock on public transit.

43 Bike Score of Lubbock, TX

Lubbock is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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