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Living in Central City- Liberty Wells Salt Lake City

Central City- Liberty Wells is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Salt Lake City with 2,954 residents.

Central City- Liberty Wells has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Liberty Wells, Central City, People's Freeway, East Central, Rio Grande, Yalecrest and Wasatch Hollow.

Nearby Central City- Liberty Wells Apartments on Redfin

84 Walk Score of Central City- Liberty Wells, Salt Lake City, UT

Central City- Liberty Wells is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Central City- Liberty Wells Salt Lake City.

Central City- Liberty Wells is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Salt Lake City with a Walk Score of 84.

Find apartments in Salt Lake City's most walkable neighborhoods: Central City, Rio Grande and Central City- Liberty Wells.

Central City- Liberty Wells Salt Lake City Apartments for Rent

Central City- Liberty Wells Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Central City- Liberty Wells to other Salt Lake City neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Central City 87 58 94 9,761
2 Rio Grande 86 67 97 3,331
3 Central City- Liberty Wells 84 50 97 2,954
4 People's Freeway 80 60 78 4,499
5 Liberty Wells 77 47 91 8,654

thumbnail for Tracy AviaryIf you love birds, and have time for a visit, this is a great place. The aviary is located in Liberty Park in central Salt Lake City. It's one of the oldest aviaries in the country from what they told me. It's a comfortable place -- lots of trees and the grounds are well kept. The admission price of $7 is a bit high, but if this is what you really enjoy -- then Tracy Aviary is worth a visit.

Shireen Kotay
on Tracy Aviary

50 Transit Score of Central City- Liberty Wells, Salt Lake City, UT

Central City- Liberty Wells has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Central City- Liberty Wells Salt Lake City apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Central City- Liberty Wells has good public transportation and about 1 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Central City- Liberty Wells on public transit.

97 Bike Score of Central City- Liberty Wells, Salt Lake City, UT

Central City- Liberty Wells is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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