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Living in Columbia Forest Arlington

Columbia Forest is the 32nd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with 5,487 residents.

Columbia Forest has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Columbia Heights - West, Claremond, Barcroft, Douglas Park, Arlington Forest, Glencarlyn and Alcova Heights.

Nearby Columbia Forest Apartments on Redfin

68 Walk Score of Columbia Forest, Arlington, VA

Columbia Forest is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Columbia Forest Arlington.

Columbia Forest is the 32nd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with a Walk Score of 68.

Find apartments in Arlington's most walkable neighborhoods: Ballston - Virginia Square, Clarendon - Courthouse and Lyon Village.

Columbia Forest Arlington Apartments for Rent

Columbia Forest Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Columbia Forest to other Arlington neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


30 Barcroft 70 55 74 3,476
31 Highland Park - Overlee Knolls 69 57 79 1,690
32 Columbia Forest 68 58 55 5,487
33 Long Branch Creek 66 52 84 3,701
34 Arlington National Cemetary 66 52 78 725
55 Bike Score of Columbia Forest, Arlington, VA

Columbia Forest is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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