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Living in Everett

Everett has an average Walk Score of 49 with 103,019 residents.

Everett has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Everett neighborhoods are Bayside, Port Gardner and Riverside.

Nearby Apartments

49 Walk Score of Everett, WA

Everett is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Union Bank in Everett

Union Bank

Photo of Library Place in Everett

Library Place

Most errands require a car in Everett.

Everett Apartments for Rent

View all Everett apartments on a map.

Everett Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Bayside 82 44 71 4,895
2 Port Gardner 75 53 50 8,170
3 Riverside 66 43 59 4,919
4 South Forest Park 62 42 38 2,502
5 Cascade View 60 43 70 5,409
6 Delta 56 40 57 6,858
7 Northwest Everett 52 38 68 5,514
8 Everett Mall South 51 43 62 8,146
9 Pinehurst 50 38 51 6,877
10 Glacier View 49 40 47 3,287
11 Holly 45 42 58 8,573
12 Evergreen 42 39 44 5,208
13 Westmont 38 39 60 9,166
14 Lowell 33 32 43 1,138
15 View Ridge Madison 32 33 34 7,129
16 Harborview-Seahurst-Glenhaven 15 21 26 3,493
17 Boulevard Bluffs 12 21 29 3,630
18 Valley View 8 26 15 1,117

thumbnail for Lions ParkThis neighborhood institution, well, park is at the heart of this community. Kids play, adults relax, teens have pick up basketball games at this lovely and clean little park.

Lisa Combs
on Lions Park

39 Transit Score of Everett, WA

Everett has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Everett apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Everett has some public transportation and about 22 bus and 1 rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Everett on public transit.

55 Bike Score of Everett, WA

Everett is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Everett Performing Arts Center in Everett

Everett Performing Arts Center

Photo of Everett Public Library in Everett

Everett Public Library

Photo of Historic Lynnwood Theatre in Everett

Historic Lynnwood Theatre

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

thumbnail for Lions ParkBraille and English signs describe plants n trees along trail

Lisa Combs
on Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

thumbnail for Union BankThis iconic intersection of Hewitt and Colby is in the heart of the financial district in downtown Everett. This intersection is framed by ironwork. The sidewalks are wide and colorful.

Lisa Combs
on Union Bank

Everett is Talking About...

play fight school 24 hour fitness evcc tired money movie drink runs class everett community college beer sleep god college weird seattle eat car

Everett is all about:

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Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of Lions Park in Everett

Lions Park

Photo of US Bank in Everett

US Bank

thumbnail for Everett Performing Arts CenterLinda Beaumont a local artist is working on artwork inspired by our convergent zone (weather). Check Everett Art commission for upcoming events at the Wetmore plaza.

Lisa Combs
on Everett Performing Arts Center

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