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Living in Olympia

Olympia has an average Walk Score of 39 with 46,478 residents.

Olympia has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Olympia neighborhoods are Downtown, Eastside and Upper Eastside.

Nearby Olympia Apartments on Redfin

39 Walk Score of Olympia, WA

Olympia is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Heritage Park in Olympia

Heritage Park

Photo of Intercity Transit in Olympia

Intercity Transit

Most errands require a car in Olympia.

Olympia Apartments for Rent

Olympia Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 77 50 88 2,243
2 Eastside 65 42 80 2,405
3 Upper Eastside 64 41 92 802
4 South Capitol 62 38 66 957
5 Carlyon North 56 35 68 834
6 South Westside 55 41 57 4,291
7 Northwest Olympia 49 36 58 2,781
8 North East 32 30 68 4,149
9 Cain Road 11 27 45 1,667

thumbnail for Heritage ParkLocated right in the heart of downtown, this small park is often filled with local youth making music or playing frisbee.

Whitney Rosita Raines
on Heritage Park

35 Transit Score of Olympia, WA

Olympia has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Olympia apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Olympia has some public transportation and about 18 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Olympia on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Olympia? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Heritage Park in Olympia

Heritage Park

Photo of Intercity Transit in Olympia

Intercity Transit

Photo of Bearded Lady Food Co in Olympia

Bearded Lady Food Co

59 Bike Score of Olympia, WA

Olympia is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Capitol Lake Park in Olympia

Capitol Lake Park

Photo of Olympia Film Society in Olympia

Olympia Film Society

Photo of Olympia Film Society in Olympia

Olympia Film Society

Photo of YMCA in Olympia


Photo of The Painted Plate in Olympia

The Painted Plate

Photo of King Solomon's Reef in Olympia

King Solomon's Reef

thumbnail for Intercity TransitThe main hub for all the Olympia busses, you can get pretty much anywhere with Intercity Transit, including Seattle! The bus drivers are some of the nicest in the country.

Whitney Rosita Raines
on Intercity Transit

Photo of www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Duplex Home in Olympia

www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Duplex Home

Photo of Rainy Day Records in Olympia

Rainy Day Records

Photo of Traditions Fair Trade in Olympia

Traditions Fair Trade

Photo of www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Townhome in Olympia

www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Townhome

thumbnail for Bearded Lady Food CoThis intimate restaurant was spawned from a local couple who got their start baking goods to sell at other restaurants and stores in town. After much success, they decided to open a store front which has grown from weekend nights only to now serving breakfast Saturday and Sunday mornings. They come up with some incredible concoctions sure to please any taste buds.

Whitney Rosita Raines
on Bearded Lady Food Co

Olympia is Talking About...

play fair king solomon's reef car drink washington school walk downtown fish tale brew pub beer coffee pizza weird oly breakfast reading eat sleep downtown olympia

Olympia is all about:

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Photo of www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Duplex Home in Olympia

www.olympiafurnishedhomes.com Furnished Duplex Home

Photo of 507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home in Olympia

507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home

Photo of 507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home in Olympia

507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home

Photo of 507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home in Olympia

507 - 17th Ave SE Furnished Duplex Home

thumbnail for Capitol Lake ParkThis is a great place to go for a stroll or have a picnic lunch. Also the site of Lake Fair in July.

Whitney Rosita Raines
on Capitol Lake Park

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