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Living in Highwood Estates Milwaukee

Highwood Estates is the 105th most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with 2,088 residents.

Highwood Estates has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Rolling Green, River Bend, Euclid Park, Wedgewood, Morgan Heights, Woodland Court and Red Oak Heights.

Nearby Highwood Estates Apartments on Redfin

48 Walk Score of Highwood Estates, Milwaukee, WI

Highwood Estates is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Most errands require a car in Highwood Estates Milwaukee.

Highwood Estates is the 105th most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with a Walk Score of 48.

Find apartments in Milwaukee's most walkable neighborhoods: Juneau Town, Lower East Side and Marquette.

Highwood Estates Milwaukee Apartments for Rent

Highwood Estates Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Highwood Estates to other Milwaukee neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


103 Mount Mary 50 41 59 1,997
104 McGovern Park 50 51 54 3,180
105 Highwood Estates 48 41 52 2,088
106 Story Hill 48 44 58 1,741
107 Johnson's Woods 48 43 60 3,106

Moving to Milwaukee from another city?

52 Bike Score of Highwood Estates, Milwaukee, WI

Highwood Estates is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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