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Living in Wick Field Milwaukee

Wick Field is the 81st most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with 615 residents.

Wick Field has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Washington Heights, Story Hill, Martin Drive, Miller Valley, Washington Park, The Valley Pigsville and Uptown.

Nearby Wick Field Apartments on Redfin

57 Walk Score of Wick Field, Milwaukee, WI

Wick Field is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Wick Field Milwaukee.

Wick Field is the 81st most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with a Walk Score of 57.

Find apartments in Milwaukee's most walkable neighborhoods: Juneau Town, Lower East Side and Marquette.

Wick Field Milwaukee Apartments for Rent

Wick Field Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Wick Field to other Milwaukee neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


79 Claytown Crest 57 41 50 1,676
80 Miller Valley 57 53 59 881
81 Wick Field 57 47 51 615
82 Borchert Field 57 50 48 3,981
83 Williamsburg Heights 56 52 68 2,582

Moving to Milwaukee from another city?

thumbnail for Newsboard Washington HeightsMessage boards are a legendary way of communicating with your neighbors. These sign boards were often used to inform neighbors of upcoming events in the locale.

Dee C
on Newsboard Washington Heights

51 Bike Score of Wick Field, Milwaukee, WI

Wick Field is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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thumbnail for Washington Heights Tea CupThis iconic cup has been in the Washington Heights Community for decades. The Tea/Coffee cup rests over a popular pizzeria.

Dee C
on Washington Heights Tea Cup

thumbnail for Wick Field #6Washington Heights' Wick Field ball diamonds are home to the MPS summer recreational league and evening softball leagues. In the summer months free sporting entertainment is available at Wick Field.

Dee C
on Wick Field #6

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