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Living in Yankee Hill Milwaukee

Yankee Hill is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with 3,672 residents.

Yankee Hill has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Juneau Town, Lower East Side, Brewer's Hill, Historic Third Ward, Kilbourn Town, Halyard Park and Riverside Park.

Nearby Yankee Hill Apartments on Redfin

88 Walk Score of Yankee Hill, Milwaukee, WI

Yankee Hill is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of County Clare in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

County Clare

Photo of All Saint Cathedral in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

All Saint Cathedral

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Yankee Hill Milwaukee.

Yankee Hill is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Milwaukee with a Walk Score of 88.

Find apartments in Milwaukee's most walkable neighborhoods: Juneau Town, Lower East Side and Marquette.

Yankee Hill Milwaukee Apartments for Rent

Yankee Hill Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Yankee Hill to other Milwaukee neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


2 Lower East Side 89 57 87 11,246
3 Marquette 88 64 71 2,457
4 Yankee Hill 88 60 82 3,672
5 Walker's Point 87 55 60 8,615
6 Kilbourn Town 87 67 66 4,082

Moving to Milwaukee from another city?

thumbnail for Yankee HillThe Yankee Hill area is filled with walkable sidewalks great for traveling to local shops and exercise. The community also offer several nightclubs, pubs and eateries.

Dee C
on Yankee Hill

60 Transit Score of Yankee Hill, Milwaukee, WI

Yankee Hill has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Yankee Hill Milwaukee apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Yankee Hill has good public transportation and about 2 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Yankee Hill on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Yankee Hill Milwaukee? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Dee C

I am a full time student.

Ask Dee about Yankee Hill

Photo of County Clare in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

County Clare

Photo of All Saint Cathedral in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

All Saint Cathedral

Photo of Yankee Hill in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Yankee Hill

82 Bike Score of Yankee Hill, Milwaukee, WI

Yankee Hill is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Yankee Hill in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Yankee Hill

Photo of St Pauls Episcopal Church in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

St Pauls Episcopal Church

Photo of Yankee Hill in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Yankee Hill

Photo of Bradford Beach in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Bradford Beach

Photo of The Astor Hotel in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

The Astor Hotel

Photo of Lincoln Center of the Arts in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Lincoln Center of the Arts

thumbnail for Yankee HillThis area is great for walking, biking, and cycling. Knapp St. runs east into Prospect Ave. Prospect Ave. runs parallel to Milwaukee's lakefront and connects to Lake Drive. Lots of brand new condos and apartments in the area.

Dee C
on Yankee Hill

Photo of Yankee Hill in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Yankee Hill

Photo of Saint Joan Antida High School in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Saint Joan Antida High School

Photo of Kings Head in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Kings Head

Photo of Buca Di Beppo in Yankee Hill, Milwaukee

Buca Di Beppo

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