This page shows which neighborhoods in Arlington are similar to neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Rents in Arlington average $1 and are about the same as rents in Charlotte.
Arlington's Walk Score is 38, 12 points higher than Charlotte's 26.
Arlington has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Arlington has a Transit Score of 0, Charlotte's score is 27. Arlington's Bike Score is 40, Charlotte's score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Arlington, Texas that are similar to Charlotte, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Double Y Wooded Estates is similar to Optimist Park, Druid Hills South and Villa Heights in Charlotte.
Eagle Chase is similar to Silverwood, Sunset Road and Back Creek Church Road in Charlotte.
Estates Above Wimbledon is similar to Eastover, Plaza Midwood and Enderly Park in Charlotte.
Hidden Oaks is similar to Silverwood, Back Creek Church Road and Harwood Lane in Charlotte.
Hunter Bend is similar to Silverwood, Back Creek Church Road and Harwood Lane in Charlotte.
Hunter Point is similar to Revolution Park, Pinecrest and Arbor Glen in Charlotte.
Interlocken is similar to Jackson Homes, Nevin Community and Sardis Forest in Charlotte.
Lake Port Village is similar to Hickory Grove, Sharon Woods and Davis Lake - Eastfield in Charlotte.
Mckamy Oaks is similar to Rain Tree, Whiteoak and Wedgewood in Charlotte.
Millbrook is similar to Nevin Community, Olde Providence South and Providence Estates East in Charlotte.
Sherwood Knoll is similar to Chantilly, Starmount and University Park in Charlotte.
South Davis is similar to Elizabeth, Barclay Downs and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Villas of Tuscany is similar to Double Oaks, Revolution Park and Oaklawn in Charlotte.
Wimbledon on The Creek is similar to Optimist Park, Villa Heights and Druid Hills South in Charlotte.