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Living in Dilworth Charlotte

Dilworth is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Charlotte with 6,320 residents.

Dilworth has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Second Ward, The South End, Cherry, Sedgefield, Brookhill, Freedom Park and Wilmore.

Nearby Dilworth Apartments on Redfin

78 Walk Score of Dilworth, Charlotte, NC

Dilworth is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Atherton Mill in Dilworth, Charlotte

Atherton Mill

Photo of Latta Park in Dilworth, Charlotte

Latta Park

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Dilworth Charlotte.

Dilworth is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Charlotte with a Walk Score of 78.

Find apartments in Charlotte's most walkable neighborhoods: Fourth Ward, First Ward and Second Ward.

Dilworth Charlotte Apartments for Rent

Dilworth Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Dilworth to other Charlotte neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


3 Second Ward 84 77 61 1,462
4 Cherry 80 54 65 818
5 Dilworth 78 44 61 6,320
6 The South End 74 64 58 1,232
7 Third Ward 72 67 77 2,239

Moving to Charlotte from another city?

thumbnail for Atherton MillAtherton Mills Farmer's Market. A true farmer's market where local organic farmers from Dairy and meet to vegetables and fruit present their beautiful and healthy wares.

Cassee Cunningham
on Atherton Mill

44 Transit Score of Dilworth, Charlotte, NC

Dilworth has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Dilworth Charlotte apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Dilworth has some public transportation and about 4 bus and 1 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Dilworth on public transit.

61 Bike Score of Dilworth, Charlotte, NC

Dilworth is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Light Rail, Charlotte, NC in Dilworth, Charlotte

Light Rail, Charlotte, NC

Photo of Historic Street Car Tracks, Dilworth, Charlotte, NC in Dilworth, Charlotte

Historic Street Car Tracks, Dilworth, Charlotte, NC

Photo of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Dilworth, Charlotte

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral

Photo of Dilworth United Methodist Church in Dilworth, Charlotte

Dilworth United Methodist Church

Photo of Paper Skyscraper in Dilworth, Charlotte

Paper Skyscraper

Photo of Dilworth in Dilworth, Charlotte


Photo of Dilworth, Charlotte, NC in Dilworth, Charlotte

Dilworth, Charlotte, NC

Photo of Dilworth View of Uptown (downtown) Charlotte, NC in Dilworth, Charlotte

Dilworth View of Uptown (downtown) Charlotte, NC

Photo of Ed's Tavern in Dilworth, Charlotte

Ed's Tavern

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