This page shows which neighborhoods in Arlington are similar to neighborhoods in Fort Worth.
Rents in Arlington average $1 and are about the same as rents in Fort Worth.
Arlington's Walk Score is 38, 3 points higher than Fort Worth's 35.
Arlington has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Arlington has a Transit Score of 0, Fort Worth's score is 22. Arlington's Bike Score is 40, Fort Worth's score is 39.
Here are neighborhoods in Arlington, Texas that are similar to Fort Worth, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bay Club is similar to Twin Mills, Las Brisas and Highpoint Hill in Fort Worth.
Double Y Wooded Estates is similar to Bankhead Estates, Terrace Avenue and Jones Court in Fort Worth.
Eagle Chase is similar to The Landing, Las Brisas and Lake Arlington Ranch North in Fort Worth.
Estates Above Wimbledon is similar to University West, United Riverside and Berry Castle in Fort Worth.
Hidden Oaks is similar to Las Brisas, The Landing and Sendera Ranch in Fort Worth.
Hunter Bend is similar to Willow Springs Ranch, Las Brisas and The Landing in Fort Worth.
Interlocken is similar to Garden Acres, Academy at Waterchase and Tejas Trails in Fort Worth.
Lake Port Village is similar to Park Palisades, Stop Six Sunrise and Vista Ridge in Fort Worth.
Mckamy Oaks is similar to Hamlet, Parker Essex Boaz and Rock Island-Samuels Avenue in Fort Worth.
Millbrook is similar to Vista Ridge, Academy at Waterchase and Lake Country in Fort Worth.
Sherwood Knoll is similar to Park Hill, Mistletoe Heights and Morningside Park in Fort Worth.
The Crossing at Ruidosa is similar to Creekwood, Chapel Creek and Marine Creek Ranch in Fort Worth.
Villas of Tuscany is similar to Parkwood Estates, Summerbrook and Historic Carver Heights in Fort Worth.
Wimbledon on The Creek is similar to Bankhead Estates, Western Trails and Terrace Avenue in Fort Worth.
Wooded Acres is similar to Sun Valley, Brittany Place and Hanna Ranch in Fort Worth.