This page shows which neighborhoods in Austin are similar to neighborhoods in New York.
Rents in Austin average $1 and are about the same as rents in New York.
Austin's Walk Score is 42, 46 points lower than New York's 88.
Austin has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Austin has a Transit Score of 35, New York's score is 89. Austin's Bike Score is 54, New York's score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Austin, Texas that are similar to New York, New York neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bouldin Creek is similar to Greenpoint, Coney Island and Hillcrest in New York.
Dawson is similar to Castle Hill, Throgs Neck and Laurelton in New York.
Hancock is similar to Coney Island, Pomonok and Astoria in New York.
Hyde Park is similar to Castle Hill, Edenwald and Woodhaven in New York.
North Burnet is similar to Glen Oaks in New York.
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North Loop is similar to Coney Island, Pomonok and Castle Hill in New York.
North University is similar to Woodhaven, Clason Point and Pomonok in New York.
RMMA is similar to Country Club and Greenridge in New York.
South River City is similar to Co-Op City and Manor Heights in New York.
Triangle State is similar to Greenpoint, Hillcrest and Morris Park in New York.
Upper Boggy Creek is similar to Castle Hill, Laurelton and Edenwald in New York.
West University is similar to Kensington, Astoria and Jackson Heights in New York.
Zilker is similar to Coney Island in New York.
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