This page shows which neighborhoods in Austin are similar to neighborhoods in San Jose.
Rents in Austin average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Jose.
Austin's Walk Score is 42, 9 points lower than San Jose's 51.
Austin has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Austin has a Transit Score of 35, San Jose's score is 40. Austin's Bike Score is 54, San Jose's score is 62.
Here are neighborhoods in Austin, Texas that are similar to San Jose, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allandale is similar to Downing-Whitethorne, Del Mar and Alexian in San Jose.
Barton Hills is similar to Ponderosa, Lynbrook and Parker in San Jose.
Bouldin Creek is similar to Garden Alameda, Alvin-Burdette and Edge in San Jose.
Brentwood is similar to Garden Alameda, Downtown and Northlake in San Jose.
Central East Austin is similar to Edge, Tamien and Shasta Hanchette Park in San Jose.
Chestnut is similar to Olinder, Little Portugal South and Brookwood Terrace in San Jose.
Coronado Hills is similar to King and Story, Lanai-Cunningham and Parkview in San Jose.
Crestview is similar to Tamien, Shasta Hanchette Park and Forest-Pruneridge in San Jose.
Dawson is similar to Buena Vista, Tamien and Bonita-24th in San Jose.
East Cesar Chavez is similar to Garden Alameda, Alvin-Burdette and Edge in San Jose.
East Congress is similar to Vermont-McKendrie, Rancho Santa Teresa and Ponderosa in San Jose.
East Oak Hill is similar to Bluewater, Alviso and Creekside North in San Jose.
Franklin Park is similar to Santee, River Oaks and Parkview in San Jose.
Galindo is similar to Del Robles, Parkview and Countrybrook Lagoon in San Jose.
Garrison Park is similar to Del Robles, Trade Winds and Whaley in San Jose.