This page shows which neighborhoods in Colorado Springs are similar to neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Rents in Colorado Springs average $1 and are about the same as rents in Charlotte.
Colorado Springs's Walk Score is 36, 10 points higher than Charlotte's 26.
Colorado Springs has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Colorado Springs has a Transit Score of 19, Charlotte's score is 27. Colorado Springs's Bike Score is 45, Charlotte's score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Colorado Springs, Colorado that are similar to Charlotte, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Columbine Estates is similar to Idlewild Farms, Farm Pond and Oak Forest in Charlotte.
Deerfield Hills is similar to Country Club Heights, Windsor Park and Shannon Park in Charlotte.
Divine Redeemer is similar to Briarcreek - Woodland, Freedom Park and Collingwood in Charlotte.
Downtown is similar to Elizabeth, Dilworth and The South End in Charlotte.
Falcon Estates is similar to Foxcroft, Providence Park and University City South in Charlotte.
Garden Ranch is similar to College Downs, Collingwood and Ashbrook - Clawson Village in Charlotte.
Gleneagle is similar to Touchstone Village, Harris - Houston and Hwy 51 - Park Road in Charlotte.
Interquest is similar to Wilson Heights and Todd Park in Charlotte.
Ivywild is similar to Freedom Park, Madison Park and East Forest in Charlotte.
Old Colorado City is similar to Briarcreek - Woodland, Eastover and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Pine Creek is similar to Providence Crossing, Mountainbrook and Providence Plantation in Charlotte.
Rockrimmon is similar to Ballantyne West, Ballantyne East and Foxcroft in Charlotte.
Southborough is similar to Marshbrooke, Shannon Park and Touchstone Village in Charlotte.
Stetson Hills is similar to Provincetowne, Prosperity Church Road and Marshbrooke in Charlotte.
Westside is similar to Freedom Park, Brookhill and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.