This page shows which neighborhoods in Dallas are similar to neighborhoods in Tucson.
Rents in Dallas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Tucson.
Dallas's Walk Score is 46, 3 points higher than Tucson's 43.
Dallas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Dallas has a Transit Score of 39, Tucson's score is 35. Dallas's Bike Score is 49, Tucson's score is 66.
Here are neighborhoods in Dallas, Texas that are similar to Tucson, Arizona neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Casa Linda-Casa View is similar to Parkway Terrace, Barrio Contro and Pueblo Gardens in Tucson.
Cockrell Hill is similar to Pueblo Gardens, Santiago Hills and Groves Lincoln Park in Tucson.
Five Mile Creek is similar to Eastside, Rillito and Carson Corner in Tucson.
Forest Hills is similar to Old Spanish Trail, Parkway Terrace and Santa Cruz Southwest in Tucson.
Greenway Park is similar to Sewell, Broadmoor-Broadway and Shaheen Estates in Tucson.
M Streets is similar to Miles, Mountain 1st Avenue and Mitman in Tucson.
Mountain Creek is similar to Rita Ranch, Civano and Houghton in Tucson.
Oak Lawn is similar to West University, Armory Park and North University in Tucson.
Piedmont is similar to Parkway Terrace, Barrio Contro and Colonia Del Valle in Tucson.
Pleasant Grove is similar to Rillito, Eastside and Prince Tuscon in Tucson.
Redbird is similar to Flowing Wells, Old Fort Lowell and Las Vistas in Tucson.
Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace is similar to Midvale Park, Las Vistas and Silvercroft in Tucson.
Vickery Place is similar to Samos, Campbell-Grant and Avondale in Tucson.
Winnetka Heights is similar to Limberlost, Cabrini and Feldman's in Tucson.
Wolf Creek is similar to Eastside, Prince Tuscon and Old Spanish Trail in Tucson.