This page shows which neighborhoods in Fort Worth are similar to neighborhoods in Houston.
Rents in Fort Worth average $1 and are about the same as rents in Houston.
Fort Worth's Walk Score is 35, 12 points lower than Houston's 47.
Fort Worth has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Fort Worth has a Transit Score of 22, Houston's score is 36. Fort Worth's Bike Score is 39, Houston's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas that are similar to Houston, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alamo Heights is similar to Golfcrest, Pecan Park and Langwood in Houston.
Basswood Park is similar to South Park, Park Place and Hidden Valley in Houston.
Belmont Terrace is similar to Fort Bend Houston and Hidden Valley in Houston.
Berkeley Place is similar to Oak Forest - Garden Oaks, Golfcrest and Spring Branch Central in Houston.
Bluebonnet Hills is similar to Woodlake - Briar Meadow, Greater Heights and Sharpstown in Houston.
Bluebonnet Place is similar to Greater Heights, Magnolia Park and Greater Eastwood in Houston.
Brentmoor is similar to Acres Home, Central Southwest and East Little York in Houston.
Brentwood-Oak Hills is similar to Northshore, Meadowbrook - Allendale and Greater Hobby Area in Houston.
Butler is similar to Trinity - Houston Gardens, Sunnyside and Westbury in Houston.
Byers Mccart is similar to Denver Harbor - Port Houston, Lawndale - Wayside and Meyerland Area in Houston.
Candle Ridge West is similar to Fort Bend Houston, Central Southwest and East Little York in Houston.
Candleridge is similar to Fort Bend Houston, Central Southwest and South Acres - Crestmont Park in Houston.
Carter Park is similar to Hidden Valley, Park Place and Sunnyside in Houston.
Carter Riverside is similar to Magnolia Park, Pecan Park and Meyerland Area in Houston.
Eastgate is similar to Fort Bend Houston and South Acres - Crestmont Park in Houston.