This page shows which neighborhoods in Fort Worth are similar to neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
Rents in Fort Worth average $1 and are about the same as rents in Los Angeles.
Fort Worth's Walk Score is 35, 34 points lower than Los Angeles's 69.
Fort Worth has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Fort Worth has a Transit Score of 22, Los Angeles's score is 53. Fort Worth's Bike Score is 39, Los Angeles's score is 59.
Here are neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas that are similar to Los Angeles, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alamo Heights is similar to Reseda, Pacoima and Greater Valley Glen in Los Angeles.
Basswood Park is similar to Arleta, Arroyo Seco and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Berkeley Place is similar to North Hills West, Arleta and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Bluebonnet Hills is similar to Canoga Park, Van Nuys and Mid-Town North Hollywood in Los Angeles.
Bluebonnet Place is similar to Central San Pedro, Valley Village and Mar Vista in Los Angeles.
Brentmoor is similar to Arroyo Seco, Pacific Palisades and Granada Hills in Los Angeles.
Brentwood-Oak Hills is similar to Sylmar, North Hills West and West Hills in Los Angeles.
Butler is similar to Arroyo Seco in Los Angeles.
Less Similar
More Similar
Byers Mccart is similar to Wilmington, Greater Toluca Lake and Eagle Rock in Los Angeles.
Carter Park is similar to Arleta, Coastal San Pedro and Arroyo Seco in Los Angeles.
Carter Riverside is similar to Winnetka, Pacoima and Reseda in Los Angeles.
Crestline Area is similar to Coastal San Pedro, Arleta and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Cultural District is similar to Westchester-Playa Del Rey, Harbor Gateway South and Hollywood Hills West in Los Angeles.
Diamond Hill-Jarvis is similar to Arleta, Winnetka and North Hills West in Los Angeles.
West Meadowbrook is similar to Arleta, Winnetka and North Hills West in Los Angeles.