This page shows which neighborhoods in Fort Worth are similar to neighborhoods in Nashville.
Rents in Fort Worth average $1 and are about the same as rents in Nashville.
Fort Worth's Walk Score is 35, 6 points higher than Nashville's 29.
Fort Worth has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Fort Worth has a Transit Score of 22, Nashville's score is 22. Fort Worth's Bike Score is 39, Nashville's score is 30.
Here are neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas that are similar to Nashville, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alamo Heights is similar to Knolls, South Nashville and Lions Head Condominiums in Nashville.
Basswood Park is similar to Old Hickory Village, Shelby Hills and Rolling Acres in Nashville.
Bellaire Park North is similar to Primrose Acres, South Hampton and Heritage Meadows in Nashville.
Belmont Terrace is similar to Valley Brook, Four Maples Condominiums and Cherokee Hills Watch in Nashville.
Berkeley Place is similar to Lions Head Condominiums, Beverly Heights and Townhomes of Shadow Glen in Nashville.
Blue Haze is similar to River Trace, Terraces at Brentwood and Carlyle Place in Nashville.
Bluebonnet Hills is similar to Germantown, Bellmont-Hillsboro and Hillsboro West End in Nashville.
Bluebonnet Place is similar to Historic Edgefield, East End and Watkins Park in Nashville.
Brentmoor is similar to Hawood Lane, Lakeridge and Bluefields in Nashville.
Brentwood-Oak Hills is similar to Hillwood, Merry Oaks and Beverly Heights in Nashville.
Burchill is similar to College Heights-Clifton, Newsome Green Condominiums and Carlyle Place in Nashville.
Butler is similar to Traceside, Lakeridge and Sterling Oaks in Nashville.
Byers Mccart is similar to Pagoda Condominiums, South Nashville and Woodland in Waverly in Nashville.
Candle Ridge West is similar to Charlotte Park, Belair and Whispering Hills in Nashville.
Eastgate is similar to Maplecrest, Woodhaven Condominiums and Binkley in Nashville.