This page shows which neighborhoods in Fresno are similar to neighborhoods in Denver.
Rents in Fresno average $1 and are about the same as rents in Denver.
Fresno's Walk Score is 47, 14 points lower than Denver's 61.
Fresno has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Fresno has a Transit Score of 33, Denver's score is 45. Fresno's Bike Score is 58, Denver's score is 72.
Here are neighborhoods in Fresno, California that are similar to Denver, Colorado neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Calwa is similar to Harvey Park South, Bear Valley and Indian Creek in Denver.
Chinatown is similar to City Park and South Platte in Denver.
Edison is similar to Marston, Gateway and Fort Logan in Denver.
Fulton Mall is similar to Cherry Creek, Baker and Lincoln Park in Denver.
Germantown is similar to Hilltop, Skyland and Sloan Lake in Denver.
Highway City is similar to Fort Logan, Marston and Gateway in Denver.
Huntington is similar to College View, Montclair and Westwood in Denver.
Little Italy is similar to Belcaro, Country Club and City Park in Denver.
McLane is similar to Regis, Lowry Field and Chaffee Park in Denver.
Pinedale is similar to Cory-Merrill, Elyria Swansea and Kennedy in Denver.
Sierra Sky Park is similar to Fort Logan, Gateway and Wellshire in Denver.
Sun Garden Acres is similar to Hilltop, Wellshire and Harvey Park in Denver.
Sunnyside is similar to Fort Logan, Bear Valley and Harvey Park South in Denver.
The Cultural Arts District is similar to Sun Valley, Valverde and Baker in Denver.
Woodward Park is similar to Marston, Regis and Indian Creek in Denver.