This page shows which neighborhoods in Houston are similar to neighborhoods in Memphis.
Rents in Houston average $1 and are about the same as rents in Memphis.
Houston's Walk Score is 47, 12 points higher than Memphis's 35.
Houston has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Houston has a Transit Score of 36, Memphis's score is 22. Houston's Bike Score is 49, Memphis's score is 41.
Here are neighborhoods in Houston, Texas that are similar to Memphis, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acres Home is similar to Audubon Park, Glenview-Edgewood Manor and Westwood Meadows in Memphis.
Afton Oaks - River Oaks is similar to South Main Historic District, Victorian Village and Joffre in Memphis.
Alief is similar to Audobon Square Condominiums, Central Gardens and University of Memphis in Memphis.
Astrodome is similar to New Pathways, Edwin Circle and University of Memphis in Memphis.
Braeburn is similar to Central Gardens, Binghampton-Lester and Belleair Woods in Memphis.
Braeswood Place is similar to Central Gardens, Belleair Woods and Audobon Square Condominiums in Memphis.
Briarforest is similar to Central Gardens, Audobon Square Condominiums and Binghampton-Lester in Memphis.
Carverdale is similar to Pleasant Acres, Beltline Civic Club and Cordova in Memphis.
Central Southwest is similar to Audubon Park, Westwood Meadows and Imogene Heights in Memphis.
Clear Lake is similar to Balmoral, Cordova and White Station-Yates in Memphis.
Clinton Park Tri-Community is similar to Carver Heights and Foxcraft Civic Club, Southland Hills and Grandview in Memphis.
Denver Harbor - Port Houston is similar to Winchester Park, Victorian Village and St. Nick in Memphis.
East Houston is similar to Red Acres, Audubon Park and Sixty Point One Ward Civic Club in Memphis.
East Little York is similar to Westwood Meadows, Audubon Park and Auburn Ridge in Memphis.
The Museum District is similar to Paul Borda Towers, New Pathways and South Main Historic District in Memphis.