This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in Las Vegas.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in Las Vegas.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 31 points higher than Las Vegas's 42.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, Las Vegas's score is 36. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, Las Vegas's score is 46.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to Las Vegas, Nevada neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Belmont Heights is similar to Francisco Park, Crestwood and Huntridge Park in Las Vegas.
Belmont Shore is similar to Beverly Green and Meadows in Las Vegas.
Bixby Hill is similar to Northwest Area, Mira Villas and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Bixby Knolls is similar to Meadows, Crestwood and West Huntridge in Las Vegas.
Bluff Park is similar to Huntridge Park, Hillside Heights and John S. Park in Las Vegas.
Cal State University Long Beach is similar to Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Less Similar
More Similar
Cherry Manor is similar to Richfield, Peccole Ranch and Crestwood in Las Vegas.
College Estates is similar to Northwest Area, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
El Dorado Park Estates is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Imperial Estates is similar to Huntridge Park, Bracken and John S. Park in Las Vegas.
Lakewood Village is similar to West Sahara, Meadows and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Los Altos is similar to Meadows, Crestwood and West Huntridge in Las Vegas.
Park Estates is similar to Rancho Oakey, Gateway District and Meadows in Las Vegas.
South of Conant is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
The Lakes is similar to Painted Desert, Los Prados and Elkhorn in Las Vegas.