This page shows which neighborhoods in Minneapolis are similar to neighborhoods in Oakland.
Rents in Minneapolis average $1 and are about the same as rents in Oakland.
Minneapolis's Walk Score is 71, 4 points lower than Oakland's 75.
Minneapolis has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Minneapolis has a Transit Score of 55, Oakland's score is 57. Minneapolis's Bike Score is 83, Oakland's score is 65.
Here are neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Minnesota that are similar to Oakland, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Armatage is similar to Columbia Gardens, Lincoln Highlands and Oakmore in Oakland.
Audubon Park is similar to Trestle Glen, Las Palmas and Highland Park in Oakland.
Bancroft is similar to Las Palmas, Trestle Glen and Lynn in Oakland.
Beltrami is similar to Las Palmas, South Prescott and Highland Park in Oakland.
Bottineau is similar to South Stonehurst, Highland and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Bryant is similar to Las Palmas, Trestle Glen and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Bryn Mawr is similar to Leona Heights, Columbia Gardens and Chabot Park in Oakland.
CARAG is similar to Rancho San Antonio, Patten and Fremont in Oakland.
Cedar Isles - Dean is similar to South Stonehurst, Mills College and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Cedar-Riverside is similar to Fitchburg, Mosswood and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Central is similar to Havenscourt, Peralta Hacienda and Sausal Creek in Oakland.
Cleveland is similar to Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Columbia Park is similar to Upper Rockridge and Woodminster in Oakland.
Como is similar to Reservoir Hill, Claremont Elmwood and Prescott in Oakland.
Cooper is similar to Oakmore, Toler Heights and Highland Park in Oakland.