This page shows which neighborhoods in Omaha are similar to neighborhoods in Fort Worth.
Rents in Omaha average $1 and are about the same as rents in Fort Worth.
Omaha's Walk Score is 48, 13 points higher than Fort Worth's 35.
Omaha has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Omaha has a Transit Score of 24, Fort Worth's score is 22. Omaha's Bike Score is 42, Fort Worth's score is 39.
Here are neighborhoods in Omaha, Nebraska that are similar to Fort Worth, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams Park is similar to Rivercrest, Far East Fort Worth and Sandy Acres in Fort Worth.
Aksarben - Elmwood Park is similar to Worth Heights, Ridglea North and Highland Homes in Fort Worth.
Applewood Heights is similar to Heritage, Villages of Woodland Springs and Heritage Glen in Fort Worth.
Armbrust Acres is similar to Trinity Glen, Bonnie Brae and Villas by The Lake in Fort Worth.
Beals is similar to Wedgwood West, Villages of Stonegate and Eastland in Fort Worth.
Bedford Place is similar to Western Trails, Terrace Avenue and Vicki Lane-Bowie Street in Fort Worth.
Bemis Park is similar to Oak Timbers Apartments, Shaw Clarke and Historic Carver Heights in Fort Worth.
Benson is similar to Paschal, Southwest Hills and Wedgwood East in Fort Worth.
Benson Gardens is similar to Highland Homes, Southland Terrace and Berkeley Place in Fort Worth.
Bent Creek is similar to Stonewood, The Parks at Boat Club and Hamlet in Fort Worth.
Binney Wirt Spencer is similar to Eastland, Parkwood Estates and Shaw Clarke in Fort Worth.
Blackstone is similar to Bluebonnet Hills, Linwood and South Hemphill Heights in Fort Worth.
Broadmoor Heights - Golden Valley is similar to United Riverside, Bankhead Estates and Jones Court in Fort Worth.
Brook Hollow is similar to Twin Mills, Willow Springs Ranch and Wedgwood Central in Fort Worth.
Brown Park is similar to Wedgwood West, Oakhurst and Eastland in Fort Worth.