Are you moving to San Francisco? Pick a city below and we'll show you neighborhoods in San Francisco that are similar to neighborhoods in your selected city. For example, if you're moving to San Francisco from Dallas, we'll show you neighborhoods in San Francisco that are similar to Dallas.
Pick a city from the list below to see which neighborhoods are similar to San Francisco, California.
City | State | Population |
New York | NY | 8,175,133 |
Los Angeles | CA | 3,792,621 |
Chicago | IL | 2,695,598 |
Houston | TX | 2,099,451 |
Philadelphia | PA | 1,526,006 |
Phoenix | AZ | 1,445,632 |
San Antonio | TX | 1,327,407 |
San Diego | CA | 1,307,402 |
Dallas | TX | 1,197,816 |
San Jose | CA | 945,942 |
Jacksonville | FL | 821,784 |
Indianapolis | IN | 820,445 |
San Francisco | CA | 805,235 |
Austin | TX | 790,390 |
Columbus | OH | 787,033 |
Fort Worth | TX | 741,206 |
Charlotte | NC | 731,424 |
Detroit | MI | 713,777 |
El Paso | TX | 649,121 |
Memphis | TN | 646,889 |
Baltimore | MD | 620,961 |
Boston | MA | 617,594 |
Seattle | WA | 608,660 |
Washington, DC | DC | 601,723 |
Nashville | TN | 601,222 |
Denver | CO | 600,158 |
Louisville | KY | 597,337 |
Milwaukee | WI | 594,833 |
Portland | OR | 583,776 |
Las Vegas | NV | 583,756 |
Oklahoma City | OK | 579,999 |
Albuquerque | NM | 545,852 |
Tucson | AZ | 520,116 |
Fresno | CA | 494,665 |
Sacramento | CA | 466,488 |
Long Beach | CA | 462,257 |
Kansas City | MO | 459,787 |
Mesa | AZ | 439,041 |
Virginia Beach | VA | 437,994 |
Atlanta | GA | 420,003 |
Colorado Springs | CO | 416,427 |
Omaha | NE | 408,958 |
Raleigh | NC | 403,892 |
Miami | FL | 399,457 |
Cleveland | OH | 396,815 |
Tulsa | OK | 391,906 |
Oakland | CA | 390,724 |
Minneapolis | MN | 382,578 |
Wichita | KS | 382,368 |
Arlington | TX | 365,438 |