This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in Austin.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in Austin.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 9 points higher than Austin's 42.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, Austin's score is 35. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, Austin's score is 54.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to Austin, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Old Enfield, Rosewood and RMMA in Austin.
Alderbrook is similar to Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
Alexander is similar to Sweetbriar, Garrison Park and Montropolis in Austin.
Alexian is similar to Westgate, Allandale and South Manchaca in Austin.
Alma is similar to Rosewood, West Congress and Crestview in Austin.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Rosewood, Sweetbriar and Garrison Park in Austin.
Almaden is similar to Dawson, West Congress and Galindo in Austin.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Old Enfield, Pecan Springs Springdale and MLK-183 in Austin.
Almaden Springs is similar to Circle C Ranch in Austin.
Less Similar
More Similar
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Montropolis, Garrison Park and University Hills in Austin.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Zilker, Rosedale and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Alviso is similar to East Oak Hill, Northwest Hills - Far West and West Austin in Austin.
Anderson East is similar to Montropolis, Garrison Park and MLK in Austin.
Anderson West is similar to North Lamar, North Austin and Windsor Park in Austin.
Anne Darling is similar to Crestview, Upper Boggy Creek and Holly in Austin.