This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in Los Angeles.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 18 points lower than Los Angeles's 69.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, Los Angeles's score is 53. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, Los Angeles's score is 59.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to Los Angeles, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Coastal San Pedro, Sunland-Tujunga and Arroyo Seco in Los Angeles.
Alderbrook is similar to Arroyo Seco, Coastal San Pedro and Arleta in Los Angeles.
Alexander is similar to Arleta, Congress Southwest and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Alexian is similar to Congress West, Harbor Gateway North and Pacoima in Los Angeles.
Alma is similar to Congress Southwest, Park Mesa Heights and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Congress Southeast, Watts and Congress Southwest in Los Angeles.
Almaden is similar to Winnetka, Greater Valley Glen and Wilmington in Los Angeles.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Granada Hills, Arroyo Seco and Sunland-Tujunga in Los Angeles.
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Arleta, Winnetka and Coastal San Pedro in Los Angeles.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Mid-Town North Hollywood, Valley Village and Marina del Rey in Los Angeles.
Alviso is similar to Granada Hills, West Hills and North Hills West in Los Angeles.
Anderson East is similar to Arleta, Winnetka and Coastal San Pedro in Los Angeles.
Anderson West is similar to North Hills East, Panorama City and Reseda in Los Angeles.
Anne Darling is similar to Eagle Rock, Wilmington and Greater Toluca Lake in Los Angeles.
Artic Sue is similar to Arleta, Winnetka and Coastal San Pedro in Los Angeles.