This page shows which neighborhoods in Tucson are similar to neighborhoods in Raleigh.
Rents in Tucson average $1 and are about the same as rents in Raleigh.
Tucson's Walk Score is 43, 12 points higher than Raleigh's 31.
Tucson has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Tucson has a Transit Score of 35, Raleigh's score is 29. Tucson's Bike Score is 66, Raleigh's score is 39.
Here are neighborhoods in Tucson, Arizona that are similar to Raleigh, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alvernon Heights is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Amphi is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Arroyo Chico is similar to College Park in Raleigh.
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Avondale is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Balboa Heights is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Barrio Blue Moon is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Barrio Contro is similar to College Park, Stonehenge East and King Charles in Raleigh.
Barrio Hollywood is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Barrio Santa Rosa is similar to College Park, Oakwood and Stonehenge East in Raleigh.
Barrio Viejo is similar to Oakwood in Raleigh.
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Bear Canyon is similar to North Ridge, North Hills and Bedford at Falls River in Raleigh.
Blenman-Elm is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.
Bravo Park Lane is similar to College Park in Raleigh.
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Broadmoor-Broadway is similar to College Park in Raleigh.
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Campbell-Grant is similar to College Park and Oakwood in Raleigh.