This is a local church that also offers office furniture and clothing if in need and can't afford new stuff, they're also celebrating their 150 your anniversary stop by if in need of a prayer, mass or confession. Great church
This is your local theater come be part of the live audience shows going on every day and night call to check and see the listings easy walkable location or bus for transportation
This is your local Funeral parlor if you're in need for services for Burreal this is right on the main road easy to get to you can call for more information at affordable prices
This is your local health clinic if in need for health services also offers free care if in need for free care definitely stop by and check out you won't be denied any services if needed it's on the main road easy to get to definitely check it out
This is a local bus stop hitch is great if its raining or snowing or even a hot sunny day keeps you dry while you wait for the bus, also has map of where you can transfer to other buses or train stations