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Living in Quaker Heights Albuquerque

Quaker Heights is the 161st most walkable neighborhood in Albuquerque with 604 residents.

Quaker Heights has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: La Luz Del Sol, Vista Grande, Taylor Ranch, Ladera West, West Bluff, Alvarado Gardens and S.r. Marmon.

Nearby Quaker Heights Apartments on Redfin

14 Walk Score of Quaker Heights, Albuquerque, NM

Quaker Heights is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Almost all errands require a car.

Almost all errands require a car in Quaker Heights Albuquerque.

Quaker Heights is the 161st most walkable neighborhood in Albuquerque with a Walk Score of 14.

Find apartments in Albuquerque's most walkable neighborhoods: Nob Hill, Huning Highland Historic District and University Heights.

Quaker Heights Albuquerque Apartments for Rent

Quaker Heights Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Quaker Heights to other Albuquerque neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


159 Ladera West 15 13 50 3,911
160 Coors Trail 15 29 41 502
161 Quaker Heights 14 27 56 604
162 Parkway 13 3 50 3,528
163 Tanoan Comm 11 25 44 1,351

Moving to Albuquerque from another city?

56 Bike Score of Quaker Heights, Albuquerque, NM

Quaker Heights is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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