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Living in Sunnyside Tucson

Sunnyside is the 79th most walkable neighborhood in Tucson with 15,433 residents.

Sunnyside has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Drexel Park, Barrio Nopal, Elvira, Rose, Fairgrounds, Midvale Park and Wakefield.

Nearby Sunnyside Apartments on Redfin

49 Walk Score of Sunnyside, Tucson, AZ

Sunnyside is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Most errands require a car in Sunnyside Tucson.

Sunnyside is the 79th most walkable neighborhood in Tucson with a Walk Score of 49.

Find apartments in Tucson's most walkable neighborhoods: Iron Horse, West University and Pie Allen.

Sunnyside Tucson Apartments for Rent

Sunnyside Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Sunnyside to other Tucson neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


77 Harold Bell Wright Estates 49 41 65 602
78 North Dodge 49 41 79 2,124
79 Sunnyside 49 38 57 15,433
80 Barrio Blue Moon 48 46 91 987
81 Julia Keen 47 38 77 5,282

Moving to Tucson from another city?

thumbnail for Sunnyside,Tucson,AZBrick homes are the norm in this neighborhood. But each decorated showing the owner's style. #sunnyside

Reina Gallego
on Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ

38 Transit Score of Sunnyside, Tucson, AZ

Sunnyside has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Sunnyside Tucson apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Sunnyside has some public transportation and about 9 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Sunnyside on public transit.

57 Bike Score of Sunnyside, Tucson, AZ

Sunnyside is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Mission manor park, Tucson, AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson

Mission manor park, Tucson, AZ

Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Photo of Rodeo Park in Sunnyside, Tucson

Rodeo Park

Photo of Mission manor park, Tucson, AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson

Mission manor park, Tucson, AZ

Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


thumbnail for Sunnyside,Tucson,AZThese are lined along 12th Avenue offering walkers a chance to stop and rest for a few. #sunnyside

Reina Gallego
on Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ

thumbnail for Mission manor park, Tucson, AZThis neighborhood institution offers families a place to get together and celebrate birthdays and holidays. #sunnyside

Reina Gallego
on Mission manor park, Tucson, AZ

Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


Photo of Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ in Sunnyside, Tucson


thumbnail for Sunnyside,Tucson,AZWhile this neighborhood is full of sidewalks this quiet road in the back offers walkers a tranquil street to exercise or walk a dog with very little traffic. #sunnyside

Reina Gallego
on Sunnyside,Tucson,AZ

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