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Living in Parnassus Heights San Francisco

Parnassus Heights is the 68th most walkable neighborhood in San Francisco with 2,955 residents.

Parnassus Heights has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Ashbury Heights, Forest Knolls, Cole Valley, Clarendon Heights, Haight Ashbury, Inner Sunset and Midtown Terrace.

Nearby Parnassus Heights Apartments on Redfin

83 Walk Score of Parnassus Heights, San Francisco, CA

Parnassus Heights is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Parnassus Heights San Francisco.

Parnassus Heights is the 68th most walkable neighborhood in San Francisco with a Walk Score of 83.

Find apartments in San Francisco's most walkable neighborhoods: Chinatown, Tenderloin and Polk Gulch.

Parnassus Heights San Francisco Apartments for Rent

Parnassus Heights Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Parnassus Heights to other San Francisco neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


66 St. Marys Park 84 81 71 3,010
67 Westwood Park 84 77 68 2,103
68 Parnassus Heights 83 66 61 2,955
69 Parkside 83 62 61 18,299
70 Outer Sunset 83 57 77 53,301

Moving to San Francisco from another city?

61 Bike Score of Parnassus Heights, San Francisco, CA

Parnassus Heights is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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